
Low-level InvenioRDM REST API wrapper.

The classes in this module just neatly organize the endpoints to be conveniently accessed through an InvenioRDMClient instance.

The methods return plain pydantic models that serve as a somewhat validated Python representation of the corresponding request and response JSON objects.

The 1-to-1 mapping between REST API endpoints and methods and the plain nature of the request/response objects are useful due to the ease of debugging, because there is no complex mutable state and no "magic" involved. Working with this API is essentially like using curl.

You probably should not use this API directly, unless the high-level API does not suit your needs for some reason. If you do want to use it, you are basically on your own - consult the official InvenioRDM documentation and then find the corresponding methods in this module.

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Low-level InvenioRDM REST API wrapper.

The classes in this module just neatly organize the endpoints to be
conveniently accessed through an `InvenioRDMClient` instance.

The methods return plain [pydantic](
models that serve as a somewhat validated Python representation of
the corresponding request and response JSON objects.

The 1-to-1 mapping between REST API endpoints and methods and the plain nature of
the request/response objects are useful due to the ease of debugging,
because there is no complex mutable state and no "magic" involved.
Working with this API is essentially like using `curl`.

**You probably should not use this API directly**,
unless the high-level API does not suit your needs for some reason.
If you do want to use it, you are basically on your own - consult the official
[InvenioRDM documentation](
and then find the corresponding methods in this module.

from __future__ import annotations

import json
from datetime import datetime
from io import BytesIO
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, BinaryIO, Dict, Optional

import httpx
from dotenv import load_dotenv

from ..util import get_env, hashsum
from .models import (

# TODO: if big file downloads make problems with memory, check out
# see

# NOTE: uploads are streamed by default, see here:
# but no idea how to do it non-blocking and e.g. show upload progress
# also see:

# TODO: the record and draft sub-apis could be abstracted into a base class
# with operations supported by both (with only the endpoint being different)

_debug = False
"""If set to true, will print HTTP returned exceptions."""

def _raise_on_error_status(r):
    """Raise an exception on 4XX and 5XX status codes + print the response body, if any."""
    except httpx.HTTPStatusError as e:
        if _debug:
                f"Error response {e.response.status_code} while requesting {e.request.url!r}:"
                print(json.dumps(e.response.json(), indent=2))
            except json.JSONDecodeError:
                print(e.response.text)  # Annoying if it is a huge HTML page
        raise e

class InvenioRDMClient:
    """Class for access to the InvenioRDM API."""

    def _endpoint(self, path: str) -> str:
        """Return complete URL based on configured base URL and relative API path."""
        return f"{self.irdm_url}/api{path}"

    def __init__(self, irdm_url: str, irdm_token: Optional[str] = None, **httpx_kwargs):
        Create an instance of the InvenioRDM API.

        The instance is configured for the provided credentials and arguments.
        headers: Dict[str, str] = {}
        if httpx_kwargs and "headers" in httpx_kwargs:
            headers = httpx_kwargs["headers"]
            del httpx_kwargs["headers"]
        if irdm_token:
            headers["Authorization"] = f"Bearer {irdm_token}"
        self.client = httpx.Client(headers=headers, **httpx_kwargs)

        self.irdm_url = irdm_url.rstrip("/")
        self.query = QueryAPI(self)
        self.record = RecordAPI(self)
        self.draft = DraftAPI(self)

    def __del__(self):
        """Destructor for API object (to silence weird exception on close)."""
        except AttributeError:

    def connected(self) -> bool:
        """Check that InvenioRDM is accessible."""
            r = self.client.get(self._endpoint("/records?size=1"))
            return True
        except:  # noqa: E722
            return False

    def from_env(**httpx_kwargs):
        Get client instance based on configuration given in environment.

        The expected environment variables are `INVENIORDM_URL` and `INVENIORDM_TOKEN`.
        load_dotenv()  # get environment variables from possible .env file
        url = get_env("INVENIORDM_URL").rstrip("/")
        token = get_env("INVENIORDM_TOKEN")
        return InvenioRDMClient(url, token, **httpx_kwargs)

class SubAPI:
    """InvenioRDM sub-API class."""

    def __init__(self, client: InvenioRDMClient):
        """Initialize sub-API with the main API (to access shared information)."""
        self._p = client

class QueryAPI(SubAPI):
    """Query sub-API for vocabularies and records."""

    def vocabulary(self, voc_type: VocType, **kwargs) -> Results:
        Get the specified vocabulary term names.

        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        pref = "/vocabularies" if not voc_special(voc_type) else ""
        pcls = voc_class(voc_type)

        qargs = VocQueryArgs.parse_obj(kwargs)
        url = self._p._endpoint(f"{pref}/{voc_type}")
        url += f"?{qargs}"
        r = self._p.client.get(url)

        res = Results.parse_obj(r.json())
        if isinstance(res, Results):  # if not using JSONModel.raw_json "hack"
        return res

    def term(self, voc_type: VocType, term_id: str) -> Any:
        Get the specified vocabulary term definition.

        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        pref = "/vocabularies" if not voc_special(voc_type) else ""
        pcls = voc_class(voc_type)

        r = self._p.client.get(self._p._endpoint(f"{pref}/{voc_type}/{term_id}"))

        return pcls.parse_obj(r.json())

    def records(self, user: Optional[bool] = False, **kwargs) -> Results:
        Query records using ElasticSearch.

        If user=True, will only query within records of the user.

        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        qargs = RecQueryArgs.parse_obj(kwargs)
        usr = "/user" if user else ""

        url = self._p._endpoint(f"{usr}/records{'?' if qargs else ''}{qargs}")
        r = self._p.client.get(url)

        res = Results.parse_obj(r.json())
        if isinstance(res, Results):  # if not using JSONModel.raw_json "hack"
        return res

class AccessLinkAPI(SubAPI):
    """Access link sub-API."""

    def list(self, record_id: str) -> Results:
        Link access links for record.

        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        r = self._p.client.get(self._p._endpoint(f"/records/{record_id}/access/links"))

        res = Results.parse_obj(r.json())
        if isinstance(res, Results):  # if not using JSONModel.raw_json "hack"
        return res

    def get(self, record_id: str, link_id: str) -> AccessLink:
        Get information about access link for record.

        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        url = self._p._endpoint(f"/records/{record_id}/access/links/{link_id}")
        r = self._p.client.get(url)
        return AccessLink.parse_obj(r.json())

    def delete(self, record_id: str, link_id: str):
        Delete access link for record.

        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        url = self._p._endpoint(f"/records/{record_id}/access/links/{link_id}")
        r = self._p.client.delete(url)

    def create(
        record_id: str,
        expires_at: Optional[datetime] = None,
        permission: Optional[LinkPermission] = None,
        link_id: Optional[str] = None,
    ) -> AccessLink:
        Create an access link for a record (or update, if link_id is provided).

        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        create = link_id is None
        if create and not permission:
            permission = LinkPermission.VIEW
        assert permission is not None

        req = {}
        if create or permission:
            req["permission"] = permission.value
        if expires_at:
            req["expires_at"] = expires_at.isoformat()

        url = f"/records/{record_id}/access/links" + ("" if create else f"/{link_id}")
        if create:
            r =, json=req)
        else:  # update
            r = self._p.client.patch(self._p._endpoint(url), json=req)
        return AccessLink.parse_obj(r.json())

    def update(self, record_id: str, aclnk: AccessLink) -> AccessLink:
        Update an access link for a record (from a modified access link object).

        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        return self.create(record_id, aclnk.expires_at, aclnk.permission,

class RecordAPI(SubAPI):
    """Record sub-API."""

    def __init__(self, client: InvenioRDMClient):  # noqa: D107
        self.access_links = AccessLinkAPI(client)

    def get(self, record_id: str) -> Record:
        Get a published record (does not contain information about files).

        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        r = self._p.client.get(self._p._endpoint(f"/records/{record_id}"))
        return Record.parse_obj(r.json())

    def files(self, record_id: str) -> Files:
        List files attached to a record.

        Notice that this contains more information than is included in `RecordAPI.get`.

        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        r = self._p.client.get(self._p._endpoint(f"/records/{record_id}/files"))
        return Files.parse_obj(r.json())

    def file_metadata(self, record_id: str, filename: str) -> FileMetadata:
        Get metadata of a record file.

        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        url = self._p._endpoint(f"/records/{record_id}/files/{filename}")
        r = self._p.client.get(url)
        return FileMetadata.parse_obj(r.json())

    def file_download(self, record_id: str, filename: str) -> BytesIO:
        Download file from a record.

        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        url = self._p._endpoint(f"/records/{record_id}/files/{filename}/content")
        r = self._p.client.get(url)
        return BytesIO(r.content)

    def versions(self, record_id: str) -> Results:
        Get all versions of a record.

        Basically searches for all entries with same and sorts by version.

        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        # url = self._p._endpoint(f"/records/{record_id}/versions")
        # buggy; see
        url = self._p._endpoint(f"/records/{record_id}/versions?allversions=true")
        r = self._p.client.get(url)

        res = Results.parse_obj(r.json())
        if isinstance(res, Results):  # if not using JSONModel.raw_json "hack"
        return res

    def latest_version(self, record_id: str) -> Record:
        Get latest version of a record.

        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        url = self._p._endpoint(f"/records/{record_id}/versions/latest")
        r = self._p.client.get(url, follow_redirects=True)
        return Record.parse_obj(r.json())

class DraftAPI(SubAPI):
    """Draft sub-API."""

    def get(self, draft_id: str) -> Record:
        Get metadata of a record draft (does not contain information about files).

        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        r = self._p.client.get(self._p._endpoint(f"/records/{draft_id}/draft"))
        return Record.parse_obj(r.json())

    def delete(self, draft_id: str):
        Delete a record draft.

        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        r = self._p.client.delete(self._p._endpoint(f"/records/{draft_id}/draft"))

    def publish(self, draft_id: str) -> Record:
        Publish a record draft.

        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        url = self._p._endpoint(f"/records/{draft_id}/draft/actions/publish")
        r =
        return Record.parse_obj(r.json())

    def from_record(self, record_id: str) -> Record:
        Create a draft from a published record version (to update attached metadata).

        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        r ="/records/{record_id}/draft"))
        return Record.parse_obj(r.json())

    def new_version(self, record_id: str) -> Record:
        Create a draft from a published record as a new version (that gets a new id).

        The publication_date and version are removed, versions.index is incremented
        and a new id is provided for the new version.

        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        r ="/records/{record_id}/versions"))
        return Record.parse_obj(r.json())

    def create(
        metadata: Optional[BibMetadata] = None,
        access: Optional[AccessControl] = None,
        files: Optional[Files] = None,
        draft_id: Optional[str] = None,
        pids: PIDs = None,
    ) -> Record:
        Create a record draft (or update an existing draft, if draft_id provided).

        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        create = draft_id is None

        # add dummy values if none provided to create minimal accepted draft
        if create:
            # if not metadata:
            #     metadata = default_bib_metadata()
            if not access:
                access = AccessControl(
                    record=AccessPolicy.PUBLIC, files=AccessPolicy.PUBLIC
            if not files:
                files = Files(enabled=True)

        req = {}
        if metadata is not None:
            req["metadata"] = json.loads(metadata.json(exclude_none=True))
        if access is not None:
            req["access"] = json.loads(access.json(exclude_none=True))
        if files is not None:
            req["files"] = json.loads(files.json(exclude_none=True))

        # This was undocumented, but is required - otherwise the record breaks on update
        if not create and pids is not None:
            req["pids"] = json.loads(pids.json(exclude_none=True))

        url = self._p._endpoint("/records" + ("" if create else f"/{draft_id}/draft"))
        if create:
            r =, json=req)
        else:  # update
            r = self._p.client.put(url, json=req)

        return Record.parse_obj(r.json())

    def update(self, draft: Record) -> Record:
        Update a record draft (from a modified draft object).

        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        return self.create(
            draft.metadata, draft.access, draft.files,, draft.pids

    def files(self, draft_id: str) -> Files:
        List files attached to a record draft.

        Notice that this contains more information than is included in `DraftAPI.get`.

        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        r = self._p.client.get(self._p._endpoint(f"/records/{draft_id}/draft/files"))
        return Files.parse_obj(r.json())

    def file_metadata(self, draft_id: str, filename: str) -> FileMetadata:
        Get metadata of a record draft file.

        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        url = self._p._endpoint(f"/records/{draft_id}/draft/files/{filename}")
        r = self._p.client.get(url)
        return FileMetadata.parse_obj(r.json())

    def file_download(self, draft_id: str, filename: str) -> BytesIO:
        Download file from a record draft.

        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        url = self._p._endpoint(f"/records/{draft_id}/draft/files/{filename}/content")
        r = self._p.client.get(url)
        return BytesIO(r.content)

    def file_delete(self, draft_id: str, filename: str):
        Delete a file from the record draft.

        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        url = self._p._endpoint(f"/records/{draft_id}/draft/files/{filename}")
        r = self._p.client.delete(url)

    def file_upload_start(self, draft_id: str, filename: str) -> Files:
        Register a new file upload for the record draft.

        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        url = self._p._endpoint(f"/records/{draft_id}/draft/files")
        r =, json=[{"key": filename}])
        return Files.parse_obj(r.json())

    def file_upload_complete(self, draft_id: str, filename: str) -> FileMetadata:
        Mark an upload as completed.

        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        url = self._p._endpoint(f"/records/{draft_id}/draft/files/{filename}/commit")
        r =
        return FileMetadata.parse_obj(r.json())

    def file_upload_content(
        self, draft_id: str, filename: str, data: BinaryIO
    ) -> FileMetadata:
        Upload file content to a registered filename.

        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        url = self._p._endpoint(f"/records/{draft_id}/draft/files/{filename}/content")
        hdr = {"content-type": "application/octet-stream"}
        r = self._p.client.put(url, content=data, headers=hdr)
        return FileMetadata.parse_obj(r.json())

    def files_import(self, draft_id: str) -> Files:
        Import all files from previous version.

        (**NOTE:** undocumented in the official API docs)
        url = self._p._endpoint(f"/records/{draft_id}/draft/actions/files-import")
        r =
        return Files.parse_obj(r.json())

    def file_upload(self, draft_id: str, file: Path) -> FileMetadata:
        """Upload a file for a record draft and verify checksum (convenience function)."""
        assert file.is_file()

        self.file_upload_content(draft_id,, open(file, "rb"))

        fmeta = self.file_upload_complete(draft_id,
        assert fmeta.checksum is not None
        alg, hsum = fmeta.checksum.split(":")
        hsum_verify = hashsum(open(file, "rb"), alg)
        assert hsum == hsum_verify

        return fmeta
#   class InvenioRDMClient:
View Source
class InvenioRDMClient:
    """Class for access to the InvenioRDM API."""

    def _endpoint(self, path: str) -> str:
        """Return complete URL based on configured base URL and relative API path."""
        return f"{self.irdm_url}/api{path}"

    def __init__(self, irdm_url: str, irdm_token: Optional[str] = None, **httpx_kwargs):
        Create an instance of the InvenioRDM API.

        The instance is configured for the provided credentials and arguments.
        headers: Dict[str, str] = {}
        if httpx_kwargs and "headers" in httpx_kwargs:
            headers = httpx_kwargs["headers"]
            del httpx_kwargs["headers"]
        if irdm_token:
            headers["Authorization"] = f"Bearer {irdm_token}"
        self.client = httpx.Client(headers=headers, **httpx_kwargs)

        self.irdm_url = irdm_url.rstrip("/")
        self.query = QueryAPI(self)
        self.record = RecordAPI(self)
        self.draft = DraftAPI(self)

    def __del__(self):
        """Destructor for API object (to silence weird exception on close)."""
        except AttributeError:

    def connected(self) -> bool:
        """Check that InvenioRDM is accessible."""
            r = self.client.get(self._endpoint("/records?size=1"))
            return True
        except:  # noqa: E722
            return False

    def from_env(**httpx_kwargs):
        Get client instance based on configuration given in environment.

        The expected environment variables are `INVENIORDM_URL` and `INVENIORDM_TOKEN`.
        load_dotenv()  # get environment variables from possible .env file
        url = get_env("INVENIORDM_URL").rstrip("/")
        token = get_env("INVENIORDM_TOKEN")
        return InvenioRDMClient(url, token, **httpx_kwargs)

Class for access to the InvenioRDM API.

#   InvenioRDMClient(irdm_url: str, irdm_token: Optional[str] = None, **httpx_kwargs)
View Source
    def __init__(self, irdm_url: str, irdm_token: Optional[str] = None, **httpx_kwargs):
        Create an instance of the InvenioRDM API.

        The instance is configured for the provided credentials and arguments.
        headers: Dict[str, str] = {}
        if httpx_kwargs and "headers" in httpx_kwargs:
            headers = httpx_kwargs["headers"]
            del httpx_kwargs["headers"]
        if irdm_token:
            headers["Authorization"] = f"Bearer {irdm_token}"
        self.client = httpx.Client(headers=headers, **httpx_kwargs)

        self.irdm_url = irdm_url.rstrip("/")
        self.query = QueryAPI(self)
        self.record = RecordAPI(self)
        self.draft = DraftAPI(self)

Create an instance of the InvenioRDM API.

The instance is configured for the provided credentials and arguments.

#   def connected(self) -> bool:
View Source
    def connected(self) -> bool:
        """Check that InvenioRDM is accessible."""
            r = self.client.get(self._endpoint("/records?size=1"))
            return True
        except:  # noqa: E722
            return False

Check that InvenioRDM is accessible.

def from_env(**httpx_kwargs):
View Source
    def from_env(**httpx_kwargs):
        Get client instance based on configuration given in environment.

        The expected environment variables are `INVENIORDM_URL` and `INVENIORDM_TOKEN`.
        load_dotenv()  # get environment variables from possible .env file
        url = get_env("INVENIORDM_URL").rstrip("/")
        token = get_env("INVENIORDM_TOKEN")
        return InvenioRDMClient(url, token, **httpx_kwargs)

Get client instance based on configuration given in environment.

The expected environment variables are INVENIORDM_URL and INVENIORDM_TOKEN.

#   class SubAPI:
View Source
class SubAPI:
    """InvenioRDM sub-API class."""

    def __init__(self, client: InvenioRDMClient):
        """Initialize sub-API with the main API (to access shared information)."""
        self._p = client

InvenioRDM sub-API class.

View Source
    def __init__(self, client: InvenioRDMClient):
        """Initialize sub-API with the main API (to access shared information)."""
        self._p = client

Initialize sub-API with the main API (to access shared information).

#   class QueryAPI(SubAPI):
View Source
class QueryAPI(SubAPI):
    """Query sub-API for vocabularies and records."""

    def vocabulary(self, voc_type: VocType, **kwargs) -> Results:
        Get the specified vocabulary term names.

        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        pref = "/vocabularies" if not voc_special(voc_type) else ""
        pcls = voc_class(voc_type)

        qargs = VocQueryArgs.parse_obj(kwargs)
        url = self._p._endpoint(f"{pref}/{voc_type}")
        url += f"?{qargs}"
        r = self._p.client.get(url)

        res = Results.parse_obj(r.json())
        if isinstance(res, Results):  # if not using JSONModel.raw_json "hack"
        return res

    def term(self, voc_type: VocType, term_id: str) -> Any:
        Get the specified vocabulary term definition.

        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        pref = "/vocabularies" if not voc_special(voc_type) else ""
        pcls = voc_class(voc_type)

        r = self._p.client.get(self._p._endpoint(f"{pref}/{voc_type}/{term_id}"))

        return pcls.parse_obj(r.json())

    def records(self, user: Optional[bool] = False, **kwargs) -> Results:
        Query records using ElasticSearch.

        If user=True, will only query within records of the user.

        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        qargs = RecQueryArgs.parse_obj(kwargs)
        usr = "/user" if user else ""

        url = self._p._endpoint(f"{usr}/records{'?' if qargs else ''}{qargs}")
        r = self._p.client.get(url)

        res = Results.parse_obj(r.json())
        if isinstance(res, Results):  # if not using JSONModel.raw_json "hack"
        return res

Query sub-API for vocabularies and records.

View Source
    def vocabulary(self, voc_type: VocType, **kwargs) -> Results:
        Get the specified vocabulary term names.

        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        pref = "/vocabularies" if not voc_special(voc_type) else ""
        pcls = voc_class(voc_type)

        qargs = VocQueryArgs.parse_obj(kwargs)
        url = self._p._endpoint(f"{pref}/{voc_type}")
        url += f"?{qargs}"
        r = self._p.client.get(url)

        res = Results.parse_obj(r.json())
        if isinstance(res, Results):  # if not using JSONModel.raw_json "hack"
        return res

Get the specified vocabulary term names.

InvenioRDM documentation

#   def term( self, voc_type: iridium.inveniordm.models.query.VocType, term_id: str ) -> Any:
View Source
    def term(self, voc_type: VocType, term_id: str) -> Any:
        Get the specified vocabulary term definition.

        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        pref = "/vocabularies" if not voc_special(voc_type) else ""
        pcls = voc_class(voc_type)

        r = self._p.client.get(self._p._endpoint(f"{pref}/{voc_type}/{term_id}"))

        return pcls.parse_obj(r.json())

Get the specified vocabulary term definition.

InvenioRDM documentation

#   def records( self, user: Optional[bool] = False, **kwargs ) -> iridium.inveniordm.models.query.Results:
View Source
    def records(self, user: Optional[bool] = False, **kwargs) -> Results:
        Query records using ElasticSearch.

        If user=True, will only query within records of the user.

        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        qargs = RecQueryArgs.parse_obj(kwargs)
        usr = "/user" if user else ""

        url = self._p._endpoint(f"{usr}/records{'?' if qargs else ''}{qargs}")
        r = self._p.client.get(url)

        res = Results.parse_obj(r.json())
        if isinstance(res, Results):  # if not using JSONModel.raw_json "hack"
        return res

Query records using ElasticSearch.

If user=True, will only query within records of the user.

InvenioRDM documentation InvenioRDM documentation

Inherited Members
#   class AccessLinkAPI(SubAPI):
View Source
class AccessLinkAPI(SubAPI):
    """Access link sub-API."""

    def list(self, record_id: str) -> Results:
        Link access links for record.

        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        r = self._p.client.get(self._p._endpoint(f"/records/{record_id}/access/links"))

        res = Results.parse_obj(r.json())
        if isinstance(res, Results):  # if not using JSONModel.raw_json "hack"
        return res

    def get(self, record_id: str, link_id: str) -> AccessLink:
        Get information about access link for record.

        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        url = self._p._endpoint(f"/records/{record_id}/access/links/{link_id}")
        r = self._p.client.get(url)
        return AccessLink.parse_obj(r.json())

    def delete(self, record_id: str, link_id: str):
        Delete access link for record.

        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        url = self._p._endpoint(f"/records/{record_id}/access/links/{link_id}")
        r = self._p.client.delete(url)

    def create(
        record_id: str,
        expires_at: Optional[datetime] = None,
        permission: Optional[LinkPermission] = None,
        link_id: Optional[str] = None,
    ) -> AccessLink:
        Create an access link for a record (or update, if link_id is provided).

        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        create = link_id is None
        if create and not permission:
            permission = LinkPermission.VIEW
        assert permission is not None

        req = {}
        if create or permission:
            req["permission"] = permission.value
        if expires_at:
            req["expires_at"] = expires_at.isoformat()

        url = f"/records/{record_id}/access/links" + ("" if create else f"/{link_id}")
        if create:
            r =, json=req)
        else:  # update
            r = self._p.client.patch(self._p._endpoint(url), json=req)
        return AccessLink.parse_obj(r.json())

    def update(self, record_id: str, aclnk: AccessLink) -> AccessLink:
        Update an access link for a record (from a modified access link object).

        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        return self.create(record_id, aclnk.expires_at, aclnk.permission,

Access link sub-API.

#   def list(self, record_id: str) -> iridium.inveniordm.models.query.Results:
View Source
    def list(self, record_id: str) -> Results:
        Link access links for record.

        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        r = self._p.client.get(self._p._endpoint(f"/records/{record_id}/access/links"))

        res = Results.parse_obj(r.json())
        if isinstance(res, Results):  # if not using JSONModel.raw_json "hack"
        return res

Link access links for record.

InvenioRDM documentation

#   def get( self, record_id: str, link_id: str ) -> iridium.inveniordm.models.technical.AccessLink:
View Source
    def get(self, record_id: str, link_id: str) -> AccessLink:
        Get information about access link for record.

        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        url = self._p._endpoint(f"/records/{record_id}/access/links/{link_id}")
        r = self._p.client.get(url)
        return AccessLink.parse_obj(r.json())

Get information about access link for record.

InvenioRDM documentation

#   def delete(self, record_id: str, link_id: str):
View Source
    def delete(self, record_id: str, link_id: str):
        Delete access link for record.

        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        url = self._p._endpoint(f"/records/{record_id}/access/links/{link_id}")
        r = self._p.client.delete(url)

Delete access link for record.

InvenioRDM documentation

#   def create( self, record_id: str, expires_at: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None, permission: Optional[iridium.inveniordm.models.technical.LinkPermission] = None, link_id: Optional[str] = None ) -> iridium.inveniordm.models.technical.AccessLink:
View Source
    def create(
        record_id: str,
        expires_at: Optional[datetime] = None,
        permission: Optional[LinkPermission] = None,
        link_id: Optional[str] = None,
    ) -> AccessLink:
        Create an access link for a record (or update, if link_id is provided).

        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        create = link_id is None
        if create and not permission:
            permission = LinkPermission.VIEW
        assert permission is not None

        req = {}
        if create or permission:
            req["permission"] = permission.value
        if expires_at:
            req["expires_at"] = expires_at.isoformat()

        url = f"/records/{record_id}/access/links" + ("" if create else f"/{link_id}")
        if create:
            r =, json=req)
        else:  # update
            r = self._p.client.patch(self._p._endpoint(url), json=req)
        return AccessLink.parse_obj(r.json())

Create an access link for a record (or update, if link_id is provided).

InvenioRDM documentation

View Source
    def update(self, record_id: str, aclnk: AccessLink) -> AccessLink:
        Update an access link for a record (from a modified access link object).

        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        return self.create(record_id, aclnk.expires_at, aclnk.permission,

Update an access link for a record (from a modified access link object).

InvenioRDM documentation

Inherited Members
#   class RecordAPI(SubAPI):
View Source
class RecordAPI(SubAPI):
    """Record sub-API."""

    def __init__(self, client: InvenioRDMClient):  # noqa: D107
        self.access_links = AccessLinkAPI(client)

    def get(self, record_id: str) -> Record:
        Get a published record (does not contain information about files).

        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        r = self._p.client.get(self._p._endpoint(f"/records/{record_id}"))
        return Record.parse_obj(r.json())

    def files(self, record_id: str) -> Files:
        List files attached to a record.

        Notice that this contains more information than is included in `RecordAPI.get`.

        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        r = self._p.client.get(self._p._endpoint(f"/records/{record_id}/files"))
        return Files.parse_obj(r.json())

    def file_metadata(self, record_id: str, filename: str) -> FileMetadata:
        Get metadata of a record file.

        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        url = self._p._endpoint(f"/records/{record_id}/files/{filename}")
        r = self._p.client.get(url)
        return FileMetadata.parse_obj(r.json())

    def file_download(self, record_id: str, filename: str) -> BytesIO:
        Download file from a record.

        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        url = self._p._endpoint(f"/records/{record_id}/files/{filename}/content")
        r = self._p.client.get(url)
        return BytesIO(r.content)

    def versions(self, record_id: str) -> Results:
        Get all versions of a record.

        Basically searches for all entries with same and sorts by version.

        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        # url = self._p._endpoint(f"/records/{record_id}/versions")
        # buggy; see
        url = self._p._endpoint(f"/records/{record_id}/versions?allversions=true")
        r = self._p.client.get(url)

        res = Results.parse_obj(r.json())
        if isinstance(res, Results):  # if not using JSONModel.raw_json "hack"
        return res

    def latest_version(self, record_id: str) -> Record:
        Get latest version of a record.

        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        url = self._p._endpoint(f"/records/{record_id}/versions/latest")
        r = self._p.client.get(url, follow_redirects=True)
        return Record.parse_obj(r.json())

Record sub-API.

View Source
    def __init__(self, client: InvenioRDMClient):  # noqa: D107
        self.access_links = AccessLinkAPI(client)

Initialize sub-API with the main API (to access shared information).

#   def get(self, record_id: str) -> iridium.inveniordm.models.technical.Record:
View Source
    def get(self, record_id: str) -> Record:
        Get a published record (does not contain information about files).

        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        r = self._p.client.get(self._p._endpoint(f"/records/{record_id}"))
        return Record.parse_obj(r.json())

Get a published record (does not contain information about files).

InvenioRDM documentation

#   def files(self, record_id: str) -> iridium.inveniordm.models.technical.Files:
View Source
    def files(self, record_id: str) -> Files:
        List files attached to a record.

        Notice that this contains more information than is included in `RecordAPI.get`.

        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        r = self._p.client.get(self._p._endpoint(f"/records/{record_id}/files"))
        return Files.parse_obj(r.json())

List files attached to a record.

Notice that this contains more information than is included in RecordAPI.get.

InvenioRDM documentation

#   def file_metadata( self, record_id: str, filename: str ) -> iridium.inveniordm.models.technical.FileMetadata:
View Source
    def file_metadata(self, record_id: str, filename: str) -> FileMetadata:
        Get metadata of a record file.

        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        url = self._p._endpoint(f"/records/{record_id}/files/{filename}")
        r = self._p.client.get(url)
        return FileMetadata.parse_obj(r.json())

Get metadata of a record file.

InvenioRDM documentation

#   def file_download(self, record_id: str, filename: str) -> _io.BytesIO:
View Source
    def file_download(self, record_id: str, filename: str) -> BytesIO:
        Download file from a record.

        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        url = self._p._endpoint(f"/records/{record_id}/files/{filename}/content")
        r = self._p.client.get(url)
        return BytesIO(r.content)

Download file from a record.

InvenioRDM documentation

#   def versions(self, record_id: str) -> iridium.inveniordm.models.query.Results:
View Source
    def versions(self, record_id: str) -> Results:
        Get all versions of a record.

        Basically searches for all entries with same and sorts by version.

        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        # url = self._p._endpoint(f"/records/{record_id}/versions")
        # buggy; see
        url = self._p._endpoint(f"/records/{record_id}/versions?allversions=true")
        r = self._p.client.get(url)

        res = Results.parse_obj(r.json())
        if isinstance(res, Results):  # if not using JSONModel.raw_json "hack"
        return res

Get all versions of a record.

Basically searches for all entries with same and sorts by version.

InvenioRDM documentation

#   def latest_version(self, record_id: str) -> iridium.inveniordm.models.technical.Record:
View Source
    def latest_version(self, record_id: str) -> Record:
        Get latest version of a record.

        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        url = self._p._endpoint(f"/records/{record_id}/versions/latest")
        r = self._p.client.get(url, follow_redirects=True)
        return Record.parse_obj(r.json())

Get latest version of a record.

InvenioRDM documentation

#   class DraftAPI(SubAPI):
View Source
class DraftAPI(SubAPI):
    """Draft sub-API."""

    def get(self, draft_id: str) -> Record:
        Get metadata of a record draft (does not contain information about files).

        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        r = self._p.client.get(self._p._endpoint(f"/records/{draft_id}/draft"))
        return Record.parse_obj(r.json())

    def delete(self, draft_id: str):
        Delete a record draft.

        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        r = self._p.client.delete(self._p._endpoint(f"/records/{draft_id}/draft"))

    def publish(self, draft_id: str) -> Record:
        Publish a record draft.

        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        url = self._p._endpoint(f"/records/{draft_id}/draft/actions/publish")
        r =
        return Record.parse_obj(r.json())

    def from_record(self, record_id: str) -> Record:
        Create a draft from a published record version (to update attached metadata).

        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        r ="/records/{record_id}/draft"))
        return Record.parse_obj(r.json())

    def new_version(self, record_id: str) -> Record:
        Create a draft from a published record as a new version (that gets a new id).

        The publication_date and version are removed, versions.index is incremented
        and a new id is provided for the new version.

        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        r ="/records/{record_id}/versions"))
        return Record.parse_obj(r.json())

    def create(
        metadata: Optional[BibMetadata] = None,
        access: Optional[AccessControl] = None,
        files: Optional[Files] = None,
        draft_id: Optional[str] = None,
        pids: PIDs = None,
    ) -> Record:
        Create a record draft (or update an existing draft, if draft_id provided).

        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        create = draft_id is None

        # add dummy values if none provided to create minimal accepted draft
        if create:
            # if not metadata:
            #     metadata = default_bib_metadata()
            if not access:
                access = AccessControl(
                    record=AccessPolicy.PUBLIC, files=AccessPolicy.PUBLIC
            if not files:
                files = Files(enabled=True)

        req = {}
        if metadata is not None:
            req["metadata"] = json.loads(metadata.json(exclude_none=True))
        if access is not None:
            req["access"] = json.loads(access.json(exclude_none=True))
        if files is not None:
            req["files"] = json.loads(files.json(exclude_none=True))

        # This was undocumented, but is required - otherwise the record breaks on update
        if not create and pids is not None:
            req["pids"] = json.loads(pids.json(exclude_none=True))

        url = self._p._endpoint("/records" + ("" if create else f"/{draft_id}/draft"))
        if create:
            r =, json=req)
        else:  # update
            r = self._p.client.put(url, json=req)

        return Record.parse_obj(r.json())

    def update(self, draft: Record) -> Record:
        Update a record draft (from a modified draft object).

        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        return self.create(
            draft.metadata, draft.access, draft.files,, draft.pids

    def files(self, draft_id: str) -> Files:
        List files attached to a record draft.

        Notice that this contains more information than is included in `DraftAPI.get`.

        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        r = self._p.client.get(self._p._endpoint(f"/records/{draft_id}/draft/files"))
        return Files.parse_obj(r.json())

    def file_metadata(self, draft_id: str, filename: str) -> FileMetadata:
        Get metadata of a record draft file.

        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        url = self._p._endpoint(f"/records/{draft_id}/draft/files/{filename}")
        r = self._p.client.get(url)
        return FileMetadata.parse_obj(r.json())

    def file_download(self, draft_id: str, filename: str) -> BytesIO:
        Download file from a record draft.

        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        url = self._p._endpoint(f"/records/{draft_id}/draft/files/{filename}/content")
        r = self._p.client.get(url)
        return BytesIO(r.content)

    def file_delete(self, draft_id: str, filename: str):
        Delete a file from the record draft.

        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        url = self._p._endpoint(f"/records/{draft_id}/draft/files/{filename}")
        r = self._p.client.delete(url)

    def file_upload_start(self, draft_id: str, filename: str) -> Files:
        Register a new file upload for the record draft.

        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        url = self._p._endpoint(f"/records/{draft_id}/draft/files")
        r =, json=[{"key": filename}])
        return Files.parse_obj(r.json())

    def file_upload_complete(self, draft_id: str, filename: str) -> FileMetadata:
        Mark an upload as completed.

        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        url = self._p._endpoint(f"/records/{draft_id}/draft/files/{filename}/commit")
        r =
        return FileMetadata.parse_obj(r.json())

    def file_upload_content(
        self, draft_id: str, filename: str, data: BinaryIO
    ) -> FileMetadata:
        Upload file content to a registered filename.

        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        url = self._p._endpoint(f"/records/{draft_id}/draft/files/{filename}/content")
        hdr = {"content-type": "application/octet-stream"}
        r = self._p.client.put(url, content=data, headers=hdr)
        return FileMetadata.parse_obj(r.json())

    def files_import(self, draft_id: str) -> Files:
        Import all files from previous version.

        (**NOTE:** undocumented in the official API docs)
        url = self._p._endpoint(f"/records/{draft_id}/draft/actions/files-import")
        r =
        return Files.parse_obj(r.json())

    def file_upload(self, draft_id: str, file: Path) -> FileMetadata:
        """Upload a file for a record draft and verify checksum (convenience function)."""
        assert file.is_file()

        self.file_upload_content(draft_id,, open(file, "rb"))

        fmeta = self.file_upload_complete(draft_id,
        assert fmeta.checksum is not None
        alg, hsum = fmeta.checksum.split(":")
        hsum_verify = hashsum(open(file, "rb"), alg)
        assert hsum == hsum_verify

        return fmeta

Draft sub-API.

#   def get(self, draft_id: str) -> iridium.inveniordm.models.technical.Record:
View Source
    def get(self, draft_id: str) -> Record:
        Get metadata of a record draft (does not contain information about files).

        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        r = self._p.client.get(self._p._endpoint(f"/records/{draft_id}/draft"))
        return Record.parse_obj(r.json())

Get metadata of a record draft (does not contain information about files).

InvenioRDM documentation

#   def delete(self, draft_id: str):
View Source
    def delete(self, draft_id: str):
        Delete a record draft.

        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        r = self._p.client.delete(self._p._endpoint(f"/records/{draft_id}/draft"))

Delete a record draft.

InvenioRDM documentation

#   def publish(self, draft_id: str) -> iridium.inveniordm.models.technical.Record:
View Source
    def publish(self, draft_id: str) -> Record:
        Publish a record draft.

        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        url = self._p._endpoint(f"/records/{draft_id}/draft/actions/publish")
        r =
        return Record.parse_obj(r.json())

Publish a record draft.

InvenioRDM documentation

#   def from_record(self, record_id: str) -> iridium.inveniordm.models.technical.Record:
View Source
    def from_record(self, record_id: str) -> Record:
        Create a draft from a published record version (to update attached metadata).

        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        r ="/records/{record_id}/draft"))
        return Record.parse_obj(r.json())

Create a draft from a published record version (to update attached metadata).

InvenioRDM documentation

#   def new_version(self, record_id: str) -> iridium.inveniordm.models.technical.Record:
View Source
    def new_version(self, record_id: str) -> Record:
        Create a draft from a published record as a new version (that gets a new id).

        The publication_date and version are removed, versions.index is incremented
        and a new id is provided for the new version.

        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        r ="/records/{record_id}/versions"))
        return Record.parse_obj(r.json())

Create a draft from a published record as a new version (that gets a new id).

The publication_date and version are removed, versions.index is incremented and a new id is provided for the new version.

InvenioRDM documentation

#   def create( self, metadata: Optional[iridium.inveniordm.models.biblio.BibMetadata] = None, access: Optional[iridium.inveniordm.models.technical.AccessControl] = None, files: Optional[iridium.inveniordm.models.technical.Files] = None, draft_id: Optional[str] = None, pids: iridium.inveniordm.models.technical.PIDs = None ) -> iridium.inveniordm.models.technical.Record:
View Source
    def create(
        metadata: Optional[BibMetadata] = None,
        access: Optional[AccessControl] = None,
        files: Optional[Files] = None,
        draft_id: Optional[str] = None,
        pids: PIDs = None,
    ) -> Record:
        Create a record draft (or update an existing draft, if draft_id provided).

        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        create = draft_id is None

        # add dummy values if none provided to create minimal accepted draft
        if create:
            # if not metadata:
            #     metadata = default_bib_metadata()
            if not access:
                access = AccessControl(
                    record=AccessPolicy.PUBLIC, files=AccessPolicy.PUBLIC
            if not files:
                files = Files(enabled=True)

        req = {}
        if metadata is not None:
            req["metadata"] = json.loads(metadata.json(exclude_none=True))
        if access is not None:
            req["access"] = json.loads(access.json(exclude_none=True))
        if files is not None:
            req["files"] = json.loads(files.json(exclude_none=True))

        # This was undocumented, but is required - otherwise the record breaks on update
        if not create and pids is not None:
            req["pids"] = json.loads(pids.json(exclude_none=True))

        url = self._p._endpoint("/records" + ("" if create else f"/{draft_id}/draft"))
        if create:
            r =, json=req)
        else:  # update
            r = self._p.client.put(url, json=req)

        return Record.parse_obj(r.json())

Create a record draft (or update an existing draft, if draft_id provided).

InvenioRDM documentation

View Source
    def update(self, draft: Record) -> Record:
        Update a record draft (from a modified draft object).

        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        return self.create(
            draft.metadata, draft.access, draft.files,, draft.pids

Update a record draft (from a modified draft object).

InvenioRDM documentation

#   def files(self, draft_id: str) -> iridium.inveniordm.models.technical.Files:
View Source
    def files(self, draft_id: str) -> Files:
        List files attached to a record draft.

        Notice that this contains more information than is included in `DraftAPI.get`.

        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        r = self._p.client.get(self._p._endpoint(f"/records/{draft_id}/draft/files"))
        return Files.parse_obj(r.json())

List files attached to a record draft.

Notice that this contains more information than is included in DraftAPI.get.

InvenioRDM documentation

#   def file_metadata( self, draft_id: str, filename: str ) -> iridium.inveniordm.models.technical.FileMetadata:
View Source
    def file_metadata(self, draft_id: str, filename: str) -> FileMetadata:
        Get metadata of a record draft file.

        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        url = self._p._endpoint(f"/records/{draft_id}/draft/files/{filename}")
        r = self._p.client.get(url)
        return FileMetadata.parse_obj(r.json())

Get metadata of a record draft file.

InvenioRDM documentation

#   def file_download(self, draft_id: str, filename: str) -> _io.BytesIO:
View Source
    def file_download(self, draft_id: str, filename: str) -> BytesIO:
        Download file from a record draft.

        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        url = self._p._endpoint(f"/records/{draft_id}/draft/files/{filename}/content")
        r = self._p.client.get(url)
        return BytesIO(r.content)

Download file from a record draft.

InvenioRDM documentation

#   def file_delete(self, draft_id: str, filename: str):
View Source
    def file_delete(self, draft_id: str, filename: str):
        Delete a file from the record draft.

        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        url = self._p._endpoint(f"/records/{draft_id}/draft/files/{filename}")
        r = self._p.client.delete(url)

Delete a file from the record draft.

InvenioRDM documentation

#   def file_upload_start( self, draft_id: str, filename: str ) -> iridium.inveniordm.models.technical.Files:
View Source
    def file_upload_start(self, draft_id: str, filename: str) -> Files:
        Register a new file upload for the record draft.

        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        url = self._p._endpoint(f"/records/{draft_id}/draft/files")
        r =, json=[{"key": filename}])
        return Files.parse_obj(r.json())

Register a new file upload for the record draft.

InvenioRDM documentation

#   def file_upload_complete( self, draft_id: str, filename: str ) -> iridium.inveniordm.models.technical.FileMetadata:
View Source
    def file_upload_complete(self, draft_id: str, filename: str) -> FileMetadata:
        Mark an upload as completed.

        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        url = self._p._endpoint(f"/records/{draft_id}/draft/files/{filename}/commit")
        r =
        return FileMetadata.parse_obj(r.json())

Mark an upload as completed.

InvenioRDM documentation

#   def file_upload_content( self, draft_id: str, filename: str, data: <class 'BinaryIO'> ) -> iridium.inveniordm.models.technical.FileMetadata:
View Source
    def file_upload_content(
        self, draft_id: str, filename: str, data: BinaryIO
    ) -> FileMetadata:
        Upload file content to a registered filename.

        [InvenioRDM documentation](
        url = self._p._endpoint(f"/records/{draft_id}/draft/files/{filename}/content")
        hdr = {"content-type": "application/octet-stream"}
        r = self._p.client.put(url, content=data, headers=hdr)
        return FileMetadata.parse_obj(r.json())

Upload file content to a registered filename.

InvenioRDM documentation

#   def files_import(self, draft_id: str) -> iridium.inveniordm.models.technical.Files:
View Source
    def files_import(self, draft_id: str) -> Files:
        Import all files from previous version.

        (**NOTE:** undocumented in the official API docs)
        url = self._p._endpoint(f"/records/{draft_id}/draft/actions/files-import")
        r =
        return Files.parse_obj(r.json())

Import all files from previous version.

(NOTE: undocumented in the official API docs)

#   def file_upload( self, draft_id: str, file: pathlib.Path ) -> iridium.inveniordm.models.technical.FileMetadata:
View Source
    def file_upload(self, draft_id: str, file: Path) -> FileMetadata:
        """Upload a file for a record draft and verify checksum (convenience function)."""
        assert file.is_file()

        self.file_upload_content(draft_id,, open(file, "rb"))

        fmeta = self.file_upload_complete(draft_id,
        assert fmeta.checksum is not None
        alg, hsum = fmeta.checksum.split(":")
        hsum_verify = hashsum(open(file, "rb"), alg)
        assert hsum == hsum_verify

        return fmeta

Upload a file for a record draft and verify checksum (convenience function).

Inherited Members