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1"""Set config files for somesy."""
3import logging
4from pathlib import Path
6import typer
8from somesy.commands import init_config
9from somesy.core.core import discover_input
10from somesy.core.log import SomesyLogLevel, set_log_level
12from .util import wrap_exceptions
14logger = logging.getLogger("somesy")
15app = typer.Typer()
20def config():
21 """Set CLI configs for somesy."""
22 # check if input file exists, if not, try to find it from default list
23 input_file_default = discover_input()
25 # prompt for inputs
26 input_file = typer.prompt("Input file path", default=input_file_default)
27 options = dict(input_file=Path(input_file))
29 # ----
31 options["no_sync_cff"] = not typer.confirm(
32 "Do you want to sync to a CFF file?", default=True
33 )
34 if cff_file := typer.prompt("CFF file path", default="CITATION.cff"):
35 options["cff_file"] = cff_file
37 options["no_sync_codemeta"] = not typer.confirm(
38 "Do you want to sync to a codemeta.json file?", default=True
39 )
40 if codemeta_file := typer.prompt(
41 "codemeta.json file path", default="codemeta.json"
42 ):
43 options["codemeta_file"] = codemeta_file
45 options["no_sync_pyproject"] = not typer.confirm(
46 "Do you want to sync to a pyproject.toml file?", default=True
47 )
48 if pyproject_file := typer.prompt(
49 "pyproject.toml file path", default="pyproject.toml"
50 ):
51 options["pyproject_file"] = pyproject_file
53 options["sync_package_json"] = typer.confirm(
54 "Do you want to sync to a package.json file?", default=False
55 )
56 if package_json_file := typer.prompt(
57 "package.json file path", default="package.json"
58 ):
59 options["package_json_file"] = package_json_file
61 options["no_sync_julia"] = not typer.confirm(
62 "Do you want to sync to a Project.toml(Julia) file?", default=True
63 )
64 if julia_file := typer.prompt(
65 "Project.toml (Julia) file path", default="Project.toml"
66 ):
67 options["julia_file"] = julia_file
69 options["no_sync_fortran"] = not typer.confirm(
70 "Do you want to sync to a fpm.toml(fortran) file?", default=True
71 )
72 fortran_file = typer.prompt("fpm.toml(fortran) file path", default="fpm.toml")
73 if fortran_file is not None or fortran_file != "":
74 options["fortran_file"] = fortran_file
76 options["no_sync_pom_xml"] = not typer.confirm(
77 "Do you want to sync to a pom.xml file?", default=True
78 )
79 if pom_xml_file := typer.prompt("pom.xml file path", default="pom.xml"):
80 options["pom_xml_file"] = pom_xml_file
82 options["no_sync_mkdocs"] = not typer.confirm(
83 "Do you want to sync to a mkdocs.yml file?", default=True
84 )
85 if mkdocs_file := typer.prompt("mkdocs.yml file path", default="mkdocs.yml"):
86 options["mkdocs_file"] = mkdocs_file
88 options["no_sync_rust"] = not typer.confirm(
89 "Do you want to sync to a Cargo.toml file?", default=True
90 )
91 if rust_file := typer.prompt("Cargo.toml file path", default="Cargo.toml"):
92 options["rust_file"] = rust_file
94 # ----
96 options["show_info"] = typer.confirm(
97 "Do you want to show info about the sync process?"
98 )
99 options["verbose"] = typer.confirm("Do you want to show verbose logs?")
100 options["debug"] = typer.confirm("Do you want to show debug logs?")
102 set_log_level(
103 SomesyLogLevel.from_flags(
104 debug=options["debug"],
105 verbose=options["verbose"],
106 info=options["show_info"],
107 )
108 )
110 logger.debug(f"CLI options entered: {options}")
112 init_config(input_file, options)
114 f"[bold green]Input file is updated/created at {input_file}[/bold green]"
115 )