Somesy (software metadata sync) is a CLI tool to avoid messy software project metadata by keeping it in sync.
Many development tools either declare or need information about the software project they are used in, such as: the project name, description, version, repository url, license or project authors. Most such tools come with configuration files and conventions that are specific to the programming language or chosen technology. Emerging best practices for FAIR software metadata require to add even more files where such metadata must be stated.
If good project metadata was a fire-and-forget issue, this would be acceptable, but software is never standing still - maintainers change, contributors come and go, the version number is regularly increased, the project might be moved to a different location. Properly maintaining this kind of information in various files scattered around the project is usually tedious, error-prone and time consuming manual labor.
Somesy automates the synchronization of software project metadata and frees your time to focus on your actual work.
To get started, please check out the quickstart guide.
How to Cite¶
If you want to cite this project in your scientific work, please use the citation file in the repository.
We kindly thank all authors and contributors.

This project was developed at the Institute for Materials Data Science and Informatics (IAS-9) of the Jülich Research Center and funded by the Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration (HMC), an incubator-platform of the Helmholtz Association within the framework of the Information and Data Science strategic initiative.