
High-level interface for draft and record API.

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"""High-level interface for draft and record API."""
from __future__ import annotations

from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path
from typing import BinaryIO, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple

from .generic import AccessProxy, Query
from .inveniordm import InvenioRDMClient
from .inveniordm.models import (
from .pprint import NoPrint, PrettyRepr

class WrappedRecord:
    Wrapper around the low-level record and draft REST APIs.

    It can be used to perform all operations that are possible on individual records.

    Conceptually, there is a distinction between records and drafts.
    Practically, it seems difficult to model this in a static way.
    Therefore, this class covers both kinds of entities and determines
    the allowed methods through runtime inspection.

    The `access_links` and `files` attributes expose special interfaces with
    **immediate synchronization** with the server.
    Changes to the `metadata` and `access` attributes are **synchronized only
    on `save()` or `publish()`**.

    **All other attributes** are to be treated as **read-only**,
    overwriting them will have no effect on the actual data on the server.

    __slots__ = [

    def __init__(self, cl: InvenioRDMClient, rec: Record):
        self._client: InvenioRDMClient = cl
        self._record: Record = rec

        # this is very interlinked with the wrapper, so we pass ourselves as parent
        self._files: WrappedFiles = WrappedFiles(self)

        # these special query interfaces only need the record id to work
        self._access_links: AccessLinks = AccessLinks(cl,
        self._versions: RecordVersions = RecordVersions(cl,

    def files(self) -> WrappedFiles:
        """Return interface for managing files in this record."""
        return self._files

    def access_links(self) -> AccessLinks:
        """Return interface for managing access links for this record."""
        return self._access_links

    def version(self) -> int:
        """Return index of record version."""
        return self._record.versions.index

    def is_latest(self) -> bool:
        """Return whether the current record version is the latest available."""
        return self._record.versions.is_latest

    def versions(self) -> RecordVersions:
        """Return all versions of the current record."""
        return self._versions

    def _expect_draft(self):
        if not self.is_draft:
            raise TypeError("Operation supported only for drafts!")

    def _expect_published(self):
        if self.is_draft or not self.is_published:
            raise TypeError("Operation supported only for published records!")

    def is_saved(self):
        Check whether the current draft is in sync with the draft on in InvenioRDM.

        This means that they must agree on `access`, `metadata` and `files`
        attributes, as these are the ones modifiable by the user.
        if not self.is_draft:
            return True  # not draft -> obviously saved

        # need to "wrap" to initialize e.g. the 'files' part correctly
        raw = self._client.draft.get(
        drft = WrappedRecord(self._client, raw)

        # TODO: track
        # for now, workaround: ignore access.status:
        drft.access.status = self._record.access.status

        # compare relevant contents
        same_access = drft.access == self._record.access
        same_metadata = drft.metadata == self._record.metadata
        same_files = drft.files.enabled == self.files.enabled
        return same_access and same_metadata and same_files

    def edit(self) -> WrappedRecord:
        Create or switch to an existing draft based on the current record version.

        This draft can be used to update the metadata of the published record version.
        For this, change metadata accordingly and call `save()` and/or `publish()`.

        This object will stay a draft until `publish()` is called.
        To get back from the draft to the original record, without publishing,
        just request it again from the repository.

        The method returns this object itself for convenience, e.g. to write:

        draft = rdm.records["REC_ID"].edit()

        which is shorter than:

        rec = rdm.records["REC_ID"]

        and is equivalent to the slightly more efficient:

        draft = rdm.drafts.create("REC_ID", new_version=False)

        self._record = self._client.draft.from_record(
        return self

    def save(self) -> Optional[PrettyRepr[Dict[str, str]]]:
        Save changes to draft record.

        This commits the changes to this draft object to the InvenioRDM instance.
        Returns dict with validation errors from the server.

        Notice that if the draft belongs to a published record version,
        this will only affect the draft (i.e. the version accessed via `edit()`).
        The changes will only be visible to others after calling `publish()`.

        self._record = self._client.draft.update(self._record)

        # present validation errors
        errs: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None
        if self._record.errors is not None:
            errs = {e.field: " ".join(e.messages) for e in self._record.errors}
            self._record.__dict__["errors"] = None  # no need to keep them
        # don't need to wrap None for printing... would print 'None'
        return PrettyRepr(errs) if errs else None

    def publish(self) -> None:
        Save and publish the draft as the actual record.

        Notice that:
        * a published record cannot be deleted and its files cannot be modified
        * you can only change metadata of the record for that version (with `edit()`)
        * to also replace files, you must create a new version (with `new_version()`)

        # in case there were still unsaved changes, save. check for validation errors
        # (server validation also checks that files are attached when enabled)
        errors =
        if errors is not None and len(errors) > 0:
            raise ValueError(
                "There were validation errors on save, cannot publish:\n"

        self._record = self._client.draft.publish(

    def delete(self) -> None:
        Delete this draft record.

        After deletion, this object is not backed by a draft in InvenioRDM.
        Therefore, all method calls and attribute accesses will be invalid.

        # to prevent the user from doing anything stupid, make it fail
        self._record = None  # type: ignore

    # NOTE: the following is a really, really bad idea!
    # While it would be cool to write `del record_object`, this
    # would kill the draft whenever the GC will clean up unused objects!
    # So DON'T do this. I left this as a friendly reminder that I naively tried this.
    # def __del__(self):
    #     self.delete()

    # proxy through all remaining methods to the raw record
    def __getattr__(self, name: str):
        return self._record.__getattribute__(name)

    def __setattr__(self, name: str, value):
        if name in self.__slots__:  # private, local attribute
            super().__setattr__(name, value)
        elif name[0] != "_" and name not in ["files", "versions"]:
            return self._record.__setattr__(name, value)
            raise ValueError(f"Attribute {name} is read-only!")

    # magic methods must be proxied by hand
    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return repr(
                    exclude={"links", "revision_id", "parent", "pids"},
                    update={"files": list(self.files.keys())},

    # help the shell to list what's there
    def __dir__(self) -> Iterable[str]:
        return super().__dir__()

# ---- access link API wrappers ----

class WrappedAccessLink:
    High-level wrapper for managing an access link.

    All that can be done is inspecting it, destroying it and modifying
    the fields `expires_at` and `permission`. The other fields are read-only.

    Changes performed through this interface are synchronized with the server immediately.

    # TODO: the access link is not containing any concrete URL!
    # there should be a property that constructs the correct URL with the shape:
    # https://INVENIORDM_BASE/records/REC_ID?token=TOKEN[&preview=1 if preview mode]
    # (based on the links generated in the InvenioRDM Web UI)

    # TODO: how to access a private record through an access link shared by someone else?
    # probably need to access the URL for the token to be added to the user identity

    def __init__(self, cl: InvenioRDMClient, rec_id: str, lnk: AccessLink):
        self._client: InvenioRDMClient = cl
        self._record_id: str = rec_id
        self._link: AccessLink = lnk

    def expires_at(self) -> Optional[datetime]:
        return self._link.expires_at

    def expires_at(self, value: Optional[datetime]):
        self._link.expires_at = value
        self._client.record.access_links.update(self._record_id, self._link)

    def permission(self) -> Optional[LinkPermission]:
        return self._link.permission

    def permission(self, value: Optional[LinkPermission]):
        self._link.permission = value
        self._client.record.access_links.update(self._record_id, self._link)

    def id(self) -> Optional[str]:

    def token(self) -> Optional[str]:
        return self._link.token

    def created_at(self) -> Optional[datetime]:
        return self._link.created_at

    def delete(self):
        """Delete the underlying access link."""
        self._link = None  # type: ignore

    def _check_deleted(self):
        if self._link is None:
            raise ValueError("Invalid access link! Maybe you deleted it?")

    # magic methods must be proxied by hand
    def __repr__(self):
        return repr(self._link)

class AccessLinkQuery(Query):
    def __init__(self, cl: InvenioRDMClient, rec_id: str):
        self._client: InvenioRDMClient = cl
        self._record_id: str = rec_id

    def _query_items(self, **kwargs) -> Results:
        # access links are special, so here we ignore the passed kwargs, because
        # they take no query parameters. yet, the interface requires accepting them
        ret = self._client.record.access_links.list(self._record_id)
        ret.hits.hits = [
            WrappedAccessLink(self._client, self._record_id, x) for x in ret.hits.hits
        return ret

class AccessLinks(AccessProxy):
    """Sub-interface for interaction with access links."""

    def __init__(self, cl: InvenioRDMClient, rec_id: str):
        self._client: InvenioRDMClient = cl
        self._record_id: str = rec_id

    def _get_query(self, **kwargs) -> Query:
        if len(kwargs) > 0:
            raise ValueError("Additional query parameters may not be passed here!")
        return AccessLinkQuery(self._client, self._record_id)

    def _get_entity(self, link_id: str):
        lnk = self._client.record.access_links.get(self._record_id, link_id)
        return WrappedAccessLink(self._client, self._record_id, lnk)

    def create(
        expires_at: Optional[datetime] = None,
        permission: Optional[LinkPermission] = None,
        """Create an access link for the record that can be shared."""
        lnk = self._client.record.access_links.create(
            self._record_id, expires_at, permission
        return WrappedAccessLink(self._client, self._record_id, lnk)

# ---- version management wrappers ----

class RecordVersionsQuery(Query):
    def __init__(self, cl: InvenioRDMClient, rec_id: str):
        self._client: InvenioRDMClient = cl
        self._record_id: str = rec_id

    def _query_items(self, **kwargs) -> Results:
        # versions are special, so here we ignore the passed kwargs, because
        # they take no query parameters. yet, the interface requires accepting them
        ret = self._client.record.versions(self._record_id)
        ret.hits.hits = [WrappedRecord(self._client, x) for x in ret.hits.hits]
        return ret

class RecordVersions(AccessProxy):
    """Sub-interface for interaction with record versions."""

    def __init__(self, cl: InvenioRDMClient, rec_id: str):
        self._client: InvenioRDMClient = cl
        self._record_id: str = rec_id

    def _get_query(self, **kwargs) -> Query:
        if len(kwargs) > 0:
            raise ValueError("Additional query parameters may not be passed here!")
        return RecordVersionsQuery(self._client, self._record_id)

    def _get_entity(self, record_id: str):
        rec = self._client.record.get(record_id)
        return WrappedRecord(self._client, rec)

    def create(self) -> WrappedRecord:
        Create or switch to an existing draft for a new version of the current record.

        This works like `WrappedRecord.edit()`, with the difference that in a new version
        it is possible to change the files as well, not only metadata.

        is equivalent to:
        drft = self._client.draft.new_version(self._record_id)
        return WrappedRecord(self._client, drft)

    def latest(self) -> WrappedRecord:
        """Return latest version of the current record."""
        rec = self._client.record.latest_version(self._record_id)
        return WrappedRecord(self._client, rec)

# ---- file API wrappers ----

class WrappedFiles:
    Dict-like interface for interaction with files.

    Changes performed through this interface are synchronized with the server immediately.

    def __init__(self, parent: WrappedRecord):
        self._parent: WrappedRecord = parent
        self._client: InvenioRDMClient = parent._client

        # _files should contain the raw structure as returned by the API,
        # But this is only accessible if file support is enabled for the record.
        self._files: Files = parent._record.files  # stub with just "enabled" state

        # we store the entries from the extra-query separately
        # as we may not have the entries field be filled in drafts
        self._entries: Optional[List[FileMetadata]] = None
        if parent._record.files.enabled:
            self._entries = self._get_fileinfos()

    def _get_fileinfos(self) -> List[FileMetadata]:
        """Get the actual file metadata entries from the correct endpoint."""
        api = self._client.draft if self._parent.is_draft else self._client.record
        ret = api.files(  # type: ignore
        assert ret.entries is not None
        return ret.entries

    def enabled(self) -> bool:
        """Get/set whether file uploads are enabled for this record or draft."""
        return self._files.enabled

    def enabled(self, value: bool):
        if self._entries is not None and len(self._entries) > 0:
            raise ValueError("This value can only be modified if there are no files!")

        # set files.enabled state on server without committing other record changes
        rec = self._client.draft.get(
        rec.files.enabled = value
        # if no exception happened, update the values locally
        self._parent._record.files.enabled = value
        self._files.enabled = value
        if self._files.enabled and self._entries is None:
            self._entries = []

    def _check_mutable(self):
        if not self._parent.is_draft or self._parent.is_published:
            raise ValueError("Operation only supported on new record (version) drafts!")

    def _check_enabled(self):
        if not self._files.enabled:
            raise ValueError("Operation only supported if files are enabled!")

    def _check_filename(self, filename, should_exist: bool = True):
        """Complain if file does (not) exist."""
        if should_exist and filename not in self._dict():
            raise ValueError(f"No such file in record: {filename}")
        if not should_exist and filename in self._dict():
            raise ValueError(f"File with this name already in record: {filename}")

    def download(self, filename: str) -> BinaryIO:
        """Download file from record or draft.

        Returns a binary stream as output, you have to manually `read` it
        and, if needed, e.g. write to a file.

        if self._parent.is_draft:
            return self._client.draft.file_download(, filename)
            return self._client.record.file_download(, filename)

    def delete(self, filename: str):
        """Delete file from record draft."""

        self._client.draft.file_delete(, filename)
        # if no exception happened, it worked ->
        # remove the entry locally (thereby avoid reloading data)
        assert self._entries is not None
        self._entries = [fm for fm in self._entries if fm.key != filename]

    def import_old(self):
        """Import files from the previous version."""
        if self._parent.version < 2:
            raise ValueError("Cannot import files, this is the first record version!")
        if self._entries is not None and len(self._entries) > 0:
            raise ValueError("Can only import if no new files were uploaded yet!")

        self._entries = self._client.draft.files_import(

    def upload(self, filename: str, data: Optional[BinaryIO] = None):
        Upload a file to the record.

        If only passed a string, will interpret it as a local path and upload file
        to the record as a file with the same name as the original.

        If passed a binary data stream as a second argument, will upload the data
        and store it in the record under the name given in the first argument.

        Use the two-argument call to "rename" a file in the record or to upload data
        that is not stored in a file (e.g. to avoid writing it to disk just for upload).

        if data is None:
            data = open(filename, "rb")
            filename = Path(filename).name

        self._check_filename(filename, False)

        self._client.draft.file_upload_start(, filename)
        self._client.draft.file_upload_content(, filename, data)
        self._client.draft.file_upload_complete(, filename)
        self._entries = self._get_fileinfos()

    # ---- dict-like behaviour to access file metadata ----

    def _dict(self):
        """Exposes file entries as delivered by backend into a dict."""
        # There should not be a bazillion files per record,
        # so recreating the dict on access should be no problem at all.
        # When need arises, we can switch to something more efficient.
        if not self.enabled or not self._entries:
            return {}  # there is no 'entries' key if files are disabled
        assert self._entries is not None  # if enabled, must be present
        return {fileinfo.key: fileinfo for fileinfo in self._entries}

    def keys(self) -> Iterable[str]:
        """Return uploaded filenames."""
        return self._dict().keys()

    def values(self) -> Iterable[FileMetadata]:
        """Return file metadata of uploaded files."""
        return self._dict().values()

    def items(self) -> Iterable[Tuple[str, FileMetadata]]:
        return self._dict().items()

    def __iter__(self) -> Iterable[str]:
        return iter(self._dict())

    def __len__(self) -> int:
        """Return number of uploaded files."""
        return len(self._dict())

    def __getitem__(self, filename) -> FileMetadata:
        """Get file metadata of given filename."""
        return self._dict()[filename]

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        # there is too much information in the metadata anyway, just show names
        # and indicate dict-like accessibility
        return repr({k: NoPrint(v) for k, v in self._dict().items()})
#   class WrappedRecord:
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class WrappedRecord:
    Wrapper around the low-level record and draft REST APIs.

    It can be used to perform all operations that are possible on individual records.

    Conceptually, there is a distinction between records and drafts.
    Practically, it seems difficult to model this in a static way.
    Therefore, this class covers both kinds of entities and determines
    the allowed methods through runtime inspection.

    The `access_links` and `files` attributes expose special interfaces with
    **immediate synchronization** with the server.
    Changes to the `metadata` and `access` attributes are **synchronized only
    on `save()` or `publish()`**.

    **All other attributes** are to be treated as **read-only**,
    overwriting them will have no effect on the actual data on the server.

    __slots__ = [

    def __init__(self, cl: InvenioRDMClient, rec: Record):
        self._client: InvenioRDMClient = cl
        self._record: Record = rec

        # this is very interlinked with the wrapper, so we pass ourselves as parent
        self._files: WrappedFiles = WrappedFiles(self)

        # these special query interfaces only need the record id to work
        self._access_links: AccessLinks = AccessLinks(cl,
        self._versions: RecordVersions = RecordVersions(cl,

    def files(self) -> WrappedFiles:
        """Return interface for managing files in this record."""
        return self._files

    def access_links(self) -> AccessLinks:
        """Return interface for managing access links for this record."""
        return self._access_links

    def version(self) -> int:
        """Return index of record version."""
        return self._record.versions.index

    def is_latest(self) -> bool:
        """Return whether the current record version is the latest available."""
        return self._record.versions.is_latest

    def versions(self) -> RecordVersions:
        """Return all versions of the current record."""
        return self._versions

    def _expect_draft(self):
        if not self.is_draft:
            raise TypeError("Operation supported only for drafts!")

    def _expect_published(self):
        if self.is_draft or not self.is_published:
            raise TypeError("Operation supported only for published records!")

    def is_saved(self):
        Check whether the current draft is in sync with the draft on in InvenioRDM.

        This means that they must agree on `access`, `metadata` and `files`
        attributes, as these are the ones modifiable by the user.
        if not self.is_draft:
            return True  # not draft -> obviously saved

        # need to "wrap" to initialize e.g. the 'files' part correctly
        raw = self._client.draft.get(
        drft = WrappedRecord(self._client, raw)

        # TODO: track
        # for now, workaround: ignore access.status:
        drft.access.status = self._record.access.status

        # compare relevant contents
        same_access = drft.access == self._record.access
        same_metadata = drft.metadata == self._record.metadata
        same_files = drft.files.enabled == self.files.enabled
        return same_access and same_metadata and same_files

    def edit(self) -> WrappedRecord:
        Create or switch to an existing draft based on the current record version.

        This draft can be used to update the metadata of the published record version.
        For this, change metadata accordingly and call `save()` and/or `publish()`.

        This object will stay a draft until `publish()` is called.
        To get back from the draft to the original record, without publishing,
        just request it again from the repository.

        The method returns this object itself for convenience, e.g. to write:

        draft = rdm.records["REC_ID"].edit()

        which is shorter than:

        rec = rdm.records["REC_ID"]

        and is equivalent to the slightly more efficient:

        draft = rdm.drafts.create("REC_ID", new_version=False)

        self._record = self._client.draft.from_record(
        return self

    def save(self) -> Optional[PrettyRepr[Dict[str, str]]]:
        Save changes to draft record.

        This commits the changes to this draft object to the InvenioRDM instance.
        Returns dict with validation errors from the server.

        Notice that if the draft belongs to a published record version,
        this will only affect the draft (i.e. the version accessed via `edit()`).
        The changes will only be visible to others after calling `publish()`.

        self._record = self._client.draft.update(self._record)

        # present validation errors
        errs: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None
        if self._record.errors is not None:
            errs = {e.field: " ".join(e.messages) for e in self._record.errors}
            self._record.__dict__["errors"] = None  # no need to keep them
        # don't need to wrap None for printing... would print 'None'
        return PrettyRepr(errs) if errs else None

    def publish(self) -> None:
        Save and publish the draft as the actual record.

        Notice that:
        * a published record cannot be deleted and its files cannot be modified
        * you can only change metadata of the record for that version (with `edit()`)
        * to also replace files, you must create a new version (with `new_version()`)

        # in case there were still unsaved changes, save. check for validation errors
        # (server validation also checks that files are attached when enabled)
        errors =
        if errors is not None and len(errors) > 0:
            raise ValueError(
                "There were validation errors on save, cannot publish:\n"

        self._record = self._client.draft.publish(

    def delete(self) -> None:
        Delete this draft record.

        After deletion, this object is not backed by a draft in InvenioRDM.
        Therefore, all method calls and attribute accesses will be invalid.

        # to prevent the user from doing anything stupid, make it fail
        self._record = None  # type: ignore

    # NOTE: the following is a really, really bad idea!
    # While it would be cool to write `del record_object`, this
    # would kill the draft whenever the GC will clean up unused objects!
    # So DON'T do this. I left this as a friendly reminder that I naively tried this.
    # def __del__(self):
    #     self.delete()

    # proxy through all remaining methods to the raw record
    def __getattr__(self, name: str):
        return self._record.__getattribute__(name)

    def __setattr__(self, name: str, value):
        if name in self.__slots__:  # private, local attribute
            super().__setattr__(name, value)
        elif name[0] != "_" and name not in ["files", "versions"]:
            return self._record.__setattr__(name, value)
            raise ValueError(f"Attribute {name} is read-only!")

    # magic methods must be proxied by hand
    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return repr(
                    exclude={"links", "revision_id", "parent", "pids"},
                    update={"files": list(self.files.keys())},

    # help the shell to list what's there
    def __dir__(self) -> Iterable[str]:
        return super().__dir__()

Wrapper around the low-level record and draft REST APIs.

It can be used to perform all operations that are possible on individual records.

Conceptually, there is a distinction between records and drafts. Practically, it seems difficult to model this in a static way. Therefore, this class covers both kinds of entities and determines the allowed methods through runtime inspection.

The access_links and files attributes expose special interfaces with immediate synchronization with the server. Changes to the metadata and access attributes are synchronized only on save() or publish().

All other attributes are to be treated as read-only, overwriting them will have no effect on the actual data on the server.

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    def __init__(self, cl: InvenioRDMClient, rec: Record):
        self._client: InvenioRDMClient = cl
        self._record: Record = rec

        # this is very interlinked with the wrapper, so we pass ourselves as parent
        self._files: WrappedFiles = WrappedFiles(self)

        # these special query interfaces only need the record id to work
        self._access_links: AccessLinks = AccessLinks(cl,
        self._versions: RecordVersions = RecordVersions(cl,

Return interface for managing files in this record.

#   version: int

Return index of record version.

#   is_latest: bool

Return whether the current record version is the latest available.

Return all versions of the current record.

#   def is_saved(self):
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    def is_saved(self):
        Check whether the current draft is in sync with the draft on in InvenioRDM.

        This means that they must agree on `access`, `metadata` and `files`
        attributes, as these are the ones modifiable by the user.
        if not self.is_draft:
            return True  # not draft -> obviously saved

        # need to "wrap" to initialize e.g. the 'files' part correctly
        raw = self._client.draft.get(
        drft = WrappedRecord(self._client, raw)

        # TODO: track
        # for now, workaround: ignore access.status:
        drft.access.status = self._record.access.status

        # compare relevant contents
        same_access = drft.access == self._record.access
        same_metadata = drft.metadata == self._record.metadata
        same_files = drft.files.enabled == self.files.enabled
        return same_access and same_metadata and same_files

Check whether the current draft is in sync with the draft on in InvenioRDM.

This means that they must agree on access, metadata and files attributes, as these are the ones modifiable by the user.

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    def edit(self) -> WrappedRecord:
        Create or switch to an existing draft based on the current record version.

        This draft can be used to update the metadata of the published record version.
        For this, change metadata accordingly and call `save()` and/or `publish()`.

        This object will stay a draft until `publish()` is called.
        To get back from the draft to the original record, without publishing,
        just request it again from the repository.

        The method returns this object itself for convenience, e.g. to write:

        draft = rdm.records["REC_ID"].edit()

        which is shorter than:

        rec = rdm.records["REC_ID"]

        and is equivalent to the slightly more efficient:

        draft = rdm.drafts.create("REC_ID", new_version=False)

        self._record = self._client.draft.from_record(
        return self

Create or switch to an existing draft based on the current record version.

This draft can be used to update the metadata of the published record version. For this, change metadata accordingly and call save() and/or publish().

This object will stay a draft until publish() is called. To get back from the draft to the original record, without publishing, just request it again from the repository.

The method returns this object itself for convenience, e.g. to write:

draft = rdm.records["REC_ID"].edit()

which is shorter than:

rec = rdm.records["REC_ID"]

and is equivalent to the slightly more efficient:

draft = rdm.drafts.create("REC_ID", new_version=False)
#   def save(self) -> Optional[iridium.pprint.PrettyRepr[Dict[str, str]]]:
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    def save(self) -> Optional[PrettyRepr[Dict[str, str]]]:
        Save changes to draft record.

        This commits the changes to this draft object to the InvenioRDM instance.
        Returns dict with validation errors from the server.

        Notice that if the draft belongs to a published record version,
        this will only affect the draft (i.e. the version accessed via `edit()`).
        The changes will only be visible to others after calling `publish()`.

        self._record = self._client.draft.update(self._record)

        # present validation errors
        errs: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None
        if self._record.errors is not None:
            errs = {e.field: " ".join(e.messages) for e in self._record.errors}
            self._record.__dict__["errors"] = None  # no need to keep them
        # don't need to wrap None for printing... would print 'None'
        return PrettyRepr(errs) if errs else None

Save changes to draft record.

This commits the changes to this draft object to the InvenioRDM instance. Returns dict with validation errors from the server.

Notice that if the draft belongs to a published record version, this will only affect the draft (i.e. the version accessed via edit()). The changes will only be visible to others after calling publish().

#   def publish(self) -> None:
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    def publish(self) -> None:
        Save and publish the draft as the actual record.

        Notice that:
        * a published record cannot be deleted and its files cannot be modified
        * you can only change metadata of the record for that version (with `edit()`)
        * to also replace files, you must create a new version (with `new_version()`)

        # in case there were still unsaved changes, save. check for validation errors
        # (server validation also checks that files are attached when enabled)
        errors =
        if errors is not None and len(errors) > 0:
            raise ValueError(
                "There were validation errors on save, cannot publish:\n"

        self._record = self._client.draft.publish(

Save and publish the draft as the actual record.

Notice that:

  • a published record cannot be deleted and its files cannot be modified
  • you can only change metadata of the record for that version (with edit())
  • to also replace files, you must create a new version (with new_version())
#   def delete(self) -> None:
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    def delete(self) -> None:
        Delete this draft record.

        After deletion, this object is not backed by a draft in InvenioRDM.
        Therefore, all method calls and attribute accesses will be invalid.

        # to prevent the user from doing anything stupid, make it fail
        self._record = None  # type: ignore

Delete this draft record.

After deletion, this object is not backed by a draft in InvenioRDM. Therefore, all method calls and attribute accesses will be invalid.

#   class AccessLinkQuery(iridium.generic.PaginatedList[~T]):
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class AccessLinkQuery(Query):
    def __init__(self, cl: InvenioRDMClient, rec_id: str):
        self._client: InvenioRDMClient = cl
        self._record_id: str = rec_id

    def _query_items(self, **kwargs) -> Results:
        # access links are special, so here we ignore the passed kwargs, because
        # they take no query parameters. yet, the interface requires accepting them
        ret = self._client.record.access_links.list(self._record_id)
        ret.hits.hits = [
            WrappedAccessLink(self._client, self._record_id, x) for x in ret.hits.hits
        return ret

Class for convenient access to query results.

Results are by default assumed to have a string id attribute for dict-like access.

Allowed keyword arguments: normal QueryArgs, but without page.

Access through numeric index corresponds to entries in search result order.

Access through string id is possible, but inefficient (may traverse all results).

#   AccessLinkQuery(cl: iridium.inveniordm.InvenioRDMClient, rec_id: str)
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    def __init__(self, cl: InvenioRDMClient, rec_id: str):
        self._client: InvenioRDMClient = cl
        self._record_id: str = rec_id

Initialize with a batch fetcher and possibly custom batch size.

A small batch size is useful to get a first preview without loading everything, while a larger batch size is more efficient for traversing all results.

#   class RecordVersionsQuery(iridium.generic.PaginatedList[~T]):
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class RecordVersionsQuery(Query):
    def __init__(self, cl: InvenioRDMClient, rec_id: str):
        self._client: InvenioRDMClient = cl
        self._record_id: str = rec_id

    def _query_items(self, **kwargs) -> Results:
        # versions are special, so here we ignore the passed kwargs, because
        # they take no query parameters. yet, the interface requires accepting them
        ret = self._client.record.versions(self._record_id)
        ret.hits.hits = [WrappedRecord(self._client, x) for x in ret.hits.hits]
        return ret

Class for convenient access to query results.

Results are by default assumed to have a string id attribute for dict-like access.

Allowed keyword arguments: normal QueryArgs, but without page.

Access through numeric index corresponds to entries in search result order.

Access through string id is possible, but inefficient (may traverse all results).

#   RecordVersionsQuery(cl: iridium.inveniordm.InvenioRDMClient, rec_id: str)
View Source
    def __init__(self, cl: InvenioRDMClient, rec_id: str):
        self._client: InvenioRDMClient = cl
        self._record_id: str = rec_id

Initialize with a batch fetcher and possibly custom batch size.

A small batch size is useful to get a first preview without loading everything, while a larger batch size is more efficient for traversing all results.

#   class RecordVersions(abc.ABC, typing.Generic[~T]):
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class RecordVersions(AccessProxy):
    """Sub-interface for interaction with record versions."""

    def __init__(self, cl: InvenioRDMClient, rec_id: str):
        self._client: InvenioRDMClient = cl
        self._record_id: str = rec_id

    def _get_query(self, **kwargs) -> Query:
        if len(kwargs) > 0:
            raise ValueError("Additional query parameters may not be passed here!")
        return RecordVersionsQuery(self._client, self._record_id)

    def _get_entity(self, record_id: str):
        rec = self._client.record.get(record_id)
        return WrappedRecord(self._client, rec)

    def create(self) -> WrappedRecord:
        Create or switch to an existing draft for a new version of the current record.

        This works like `WrappedRecord.edit()`, with the difference that in a new version
        it is possible to change the files as well, not only metadata.

        is equivalent to:
        drft = self._client.draft.new_version(self._record_id)
        return WrappedRecord(self._client, drft)

    def latest(self) -> WrappedRecord:
        """Return latest version of the current record."""
        rec = self._client.record.latest_version(self._record_id)
        return WrappedRecord(self._client, rec)

Sub-interface for interaction with record versions.

#   RecordVersions(cl: iridium.inveniordm.InvenioRDMClient, rec_id: str)
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    def __init__(self, cl: InvenioRDMClient, rec_id: str):
        self._client: InvenioRDMClient = cl
        self._record_id: str = rec_id
#   def create(self) -> iridium.record.WrappedRecord:
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    def create(self) -> WrappedRecord:
        Create or switch to an existing draft for a new version of the current record.

        This works like `WrappedRecord.edit()`, with the difference that in a new version
        it is possible to change the files as well, not only metadata.

        is equivalent to:
        drft = self._client.draft.new_version(self._record_id)
        return WrappedRecord(self._client, drft)

Create or switch to an existing draft for a new version of the current record.

This works like WrappedRecord.edit(), with the difference that in a new version it is possible to change the files as well, not only metadata.

rdm.records["REC_ID"].versions.create() is equivalent to: rdm.drafts.create("REC_ID")

#   def latest(self) -> iridium.record.WrappedRecord:
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    def latest(self) -> WrappedRecord:
        """Return latest version of the current record."""
        rec = self._client.record.latest_version(self._record_id)
        return WrappedRecord(self._client, rec)

Return latest version of the current record.

#   class WrappedFiles:
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class WrappedFiles:
    Dict-like interface for interaction with files.

    Changes performed through this interface are synchronized with the server immediately.

    def __init__(self, parent: WrappedRecord):
        self._parent: WrappedRecord = parent
        self._client: InvenioRDMClient = parent._client

        # _files should contain the raw structure as returned by the API,
        # But this is only accessible if file support is enabled for the record.
        self._files: Files = parent._record.files  # stub with just "enabled" state

        # we store the entries from the extra-query separately
        # as we may not have the entries field be filled in drafts
        self._entries: Optional[List[FileMetadata]] = None
        if parent._record.files.enabled:
            self._entries = self._get_fileinfos()

    def _get_fileinfos(self) -> List[FileMetadata]:
        """Get the actual file metadata entries from the correct endpoint."""
        api = self._client.draft if self._parent.is_draft else self._client.record
        ret = api.files(  # type: ignore
        assert ret.entries is not None
        return ret.entries

    def enabled(self) -> bool:
        """Get/set whether file uploads are enabled for this record or draft."""
        return self._files.enabled

    def enabled(self, value: bool):
        if self._entries is not None and len(self._entries) > 0:
            raise ValueError("This value can only be modified if there are no files!")

        # set files.enabled state on server without committing other record changes
        rec = self._client.draft.get(
        rec.files.enabled = value
        # if no exception happened, update the values locally
        self._parent._record.files.enabled = value
        self._files.enabled = value
        if self._files.enabled and self._entries is None:
            self._entries = []

    def _check_mutable(self):
        if not self._parent.is_draft or self._parent.is_published:
            raise ValueError("Operation only supported on new record (version) drafts!")

    def _check_enabled(self):
        if not self._files.enabled:
            raise ValueError("Operation only supported if files are enabled!")

    def _check_filename(self, filename, should_exist: bool = True):
        """Complain if file does (not) exist."""
        if should_exist and filename not in self._dict():
            raise ValueError(f"No such file in record: {filename}")
        if not should_exist and filename in self._dict():
            raise ValueError(f"File with this name already in record: {filename}")

    def download(self, filename: str) -> BinaryIO:
        """Download file from record or draft.

        Returns a binary stream as output, you have to manually `read` it
        and, if needed, e.g. write to a file.

        if self._parent.is_draft:
            return self._client.draft.file_download(, filename)
            return self._client.record.file_download(, filename)

    def delete(self, filename: str):
        """Delete file from record draft."""

        self._client.draft.file_delete(, filename)
        # if no exception happened, it worked ->
        # remove the entry locally (thereby avoid reloading data)
        assert self._entries is not None
        self._entries = [fm for fm in self._entries if fm.key != filename]

    def import_old(self):
        """Import files from the previous version."""
        if self._parent.version < 2:
            raise ValueError("Cannot import files, this is the first record version!")
        if self._entries is not None and len(self._entries) > 0:
            raise ValueError("Can only import if no new files were uploaded yet!")

        self._entries = self._client.draft.files_import(

    def upload(self, filename: str, data: Optional[BinaryIO] = None):
        Upload a file to the record.

        If only passed a string, will interpret it as a local path and upload file
        to the record as a file with the same name as the original.

        If passed a binary data stream as a second argument, will upload the data
        and store it in the record under the name given in the first argument.

        Use the two-argument call to "rename" a file in the record or to upload data
        that is not stored in a file (e.g. to avoid writing it to disk just for upload).

        if data is None:
            data = open(filename, "rb")
            filename = Path(filename).name

        self._check_filename(filename, False)

        self._client.draft.file_upload_start(, filename)
        self._client.draft.file_upload_content(, filename, data)
        self._client.draft.file_upload_complete(, filename)
        self._entries = self._get_fileinfos()

    # ---- dict-like behaviour to access file metadata ----

    def _dict(self):
        """Exposes file entries as delivered by backend into a dict."""
        # There should not be a bazillion files per record,
        # so recreating the dict on access should be no problem at all.
        # When need arises, we can switch to something more efficient.
        if not self.enabled or not self._entries:
            return {}  # there is no 'entries' key if files are disabled
        assert self._entries is not None  # if enabled, must be present
        return {fileinfo.key: fileinfo for fileinfo in self._entries}

    def keys(self) -> Iterable[str]:
        """Return uploaded filenames."""
        return self._dict().keys()

    def values(self) -> Iterable[FileMetadata]:
        """Return file metadata of uploaded files."""
        return self._dict().values()

    def items(self) -> Iterable[Tuple[str, FileMetadata]]:
        return self._dict().items()

    def __iter__(self) -> Iterable[str]:
        return iter(self._dict())

    def __len__(self) -> int:
        """Return number of uploaded files."""
        return len(self._dict())

    def __getitem__(self, filename) -> FileMetadata:
        """Get file metadata of given filename."""
        return self._dict()[filename]

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        # there is too much information in the metadata anyway, just show names
        # and indicate dict-like accessibility
        return repr({k: NoPrint(v) for k, v in self._dict().items()})

Dict-like interface for interaction with files.

Changes performed through this interface are synchronized with the server immediately.

#   WrappedFiles(parent: iridium.record.WrappedRecord)
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    def __init__(self, parent: WrappedRecord):
        self._parent: WrappedRecord = parent
        self._client: InvenioRDMClient = parent._client

        # _files should contain the raw structure as returned by the API,
        # But this is only accessible if file support is enabled for the record.
        self._files: Files = parent._record.files  # stub with just "enabled" state

        # we store the entries from the extra-query separately
        # as we may not have the entries field be filled in drafts
        self._entries: Optional[List[FileMetadata]] = None
        if parent._record.files.enabled:
            self._entries = self._get_fileinfos()
#   enabled: bool

Get/set whether file uploads are enabled for this record or draft.

#   def download(self, filename: str) -> <class 'BinaryIO'>:
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    def download(self, filename: str) -> BinaryIO:
        """Download file from record or draft.

        Returns a binary stream as output, you have to manually `read` it
        and, if needed, e.g. write to a file.

        if self._parent.is_draft:
            return self._client.draft.file_download(, filename)
            return self._client.record.file_download(, filename)

Download file from record or draft.

Returns a binary stream as output, you have to manually read it and, if needed, e.g. write to a file.

#   def delete(self, filename: str):
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    def delete(self, filename: str):
        """Delete file from record draft."""

        self._client.draft.file_delete(, filename)
        # if no exception happened, it worked ->
        # remove the entry locally (thereby avoid reloading data)
        assert self._entries is not None
        self._entries = [fm for fm in self._entries if fm.key != filename]

Delete file from record draft.

#   def import_old(self):
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    def import_old(self):
        """Import files from the previous version."""
        if self._parent.version < 2:
            raise ValueError("Cannot import files, this is the first record version!")
        if self._entries is not None and len(self._entries) > 0:
            raise ValueError("Can only import if no new files were uploaded yet!")

        self._entries = self._client.draft.files_import(

Import files from the previous version.

#   def upload(self, filename: str, data: Optional[BinaryIO] = None):
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    def upload(self, filename: str, data: Optional[BinaryIO] = None):
        Upload a file to the record.

        If only passed a string, will interpret it as a local path and upload file
        to the record as a file with the same name as the original.

        If passed a binary data stream as a second argument, will upload the data
        and store it in the record under the name given in the first argument.

        Use the two-argument call to "rename" a file in the record or to upload data
        that is not stored in a file (e.g. to avoid writing it to disk just for upload).

        if data is None:
            data = open(filename, "rb")
            filename = Path(filename).name

        self._check_filename(filename, False)

        self._client.draft.file_upload_start(, filename)
        self._client.draft.file_upload_content(, filename, data)
        self._client.draft.file_upload_complete(, filename)
        self._entries = self._get_fileinfos()

Upload a file to the record.

If only passed a string, will interpret it as a local path and upload file to the record as a file with the same name as the original.

If passed a binary data stream as a second argument, will upload the data and store it in the record under the name given in the first argument.

Use the two-argument call to "rename" a file in the record or to upload data that is not stored in a file (e.g. to avoid writing it to disk just for upload).

#   def keys(self) -> Iterable[str]:
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    def keys(self) -> Iterable[str]:
        """Return uploaded filenames."""
        return self._dict().keys()

Return uploaded filenames.

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    def values(self) -> Iterable[FileMetadata]:
        """Return file metadata of uploaded files."""
        return self._dict().values()

Return file metadata of uploaded files.

#   def items( self ) -> Iterable[Tuple[str, iridium.inveniordm.models.technical.FileMetadata]]:
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    def items(self) -> Iterable[Tuple[str, FileMetadata]]:
        return self._dict().items()